Bailiff knocking

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Bailiff knocking

Post by Thirdspace »

Was woken up by a bailiff this morning, rudely hammering on the door. After three knocks I opened the window and told him to F off. He kept hammering for the next hour. Is this a police matter as I consider it harassment? I attended high court to provide details of my assets and income (bugger all), and there's absolutely nothing here for them to take, and they know damn well there isn't. All the advice sites steer you towards caving into them, but I have nothing and probably won't for the foreseeable future. What are the options?
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Joined: 30 Jul 2012 21:23

Re: Bailiff knocking

Post by zeke »

Knocking the door isn't harassment.

Banging the door violently yelling and shouting is a breach of the peace and an offence under section1 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

If you have a video doorbell, you can hand in a copy of the recordings.

The police might fob you off with its a civil matter. But there other options open to you.

Without knowing the provenance of the debt, I wouldn't take matters further until the bailiff is transparent with you.

Do not open the door to unexpected callers or anyone wearing police-like body armour and bovver boots.
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